yankees hater


Posted On June 22, 2019 at 1:11 pm by / Comments Off on SOUTH BOSTON RESIDENT: I’VE GOT YOUR PARKING SPOT RIGHT HERE!

SOUTH BOSTON RESIDENT: I’VE GOT YOUR PARKING SPOT RIGHT HERE! Nora Lyons, a YH cap owner and website visitor, sent us the following snippet from South Boston: “On the Channel 5 news tonight, they were interviewing people from “Southie” [South Boston] who can no longer save shoveled-out parking spots with the traditional lawn chairs, road cones and milk crates. One guy–particularly mad about the major’s decision on the matter–was wearing an unmistakable Yankees Hater hat! I believe it was the [blue] Fenway’s Reverse cap.” [Editor’s Note: We’re always happy to see our YH caps get air time (so thanks for the head-up, Nora!), but there’s a bigger issue here. Let’s see if we can get this straight: a guy gets up at the crack of dawn to shovel 16 inches of snow away from the parking space in front of his home, and is expected to keep his gasket intact when an opportunistic motorist nabs the spot as the resident darts up the street to get some milk and bread? Let’s write a sample police blotter entry right now: South Boston, 6:23 a.m.– Dermott McGlinty was cited for disorderly conduct after shoveling three feet of snow behind the rear wheels of a parked car owned by Aurelio Sanchez.].